Support For Mothers

Building Your Birth Team & lie Squad is a
big deal. 

AT reclaim black motherhood, WE GET IT.

Choosing skilled and trusted people is the foundation
for your parenting journey. 

With over 5 years of experience educating and supporting countless mothers, couples and families, we understand the importance of preparation and assistance for the incredible journey. 
We will walk alongside you and your family to address concerns, offer encouragement, and share plenty of gems. 

Reclaim Black Motherhood Offers Support
In 3 areas of the parenting journey.


birth prep support


lactation support



thriving in postpartum

topics include:

Birthing place options

Building your birth tribe

Vaginal vs. Belly Birth (ie. cesarean section)

Pain management options

Comfort techniques for labor

Care approaches for partner/support people

60 minute virtual session to introduce varying birth options, techniques, and evidence-based tools to prepare for your desired birth experience. 

Birth prep support includes:


topics include:

How your body produces milk

Expressing milk (hand and using a pump)

Latching your baby

Breastfeeding positioning

Milk storage and bottlefeeding

lactation support includes:

60 minute virtual session for initial assessment/ support and follow up.

This service includes a live assessment, education, and resources


topics include:

Managing life: Home, other children, work, school, etc.)

Lactation and feeding support

Caring for a new baby

Birth recovery

Mental health support

Care approaches for partner/support people

60 minute virtual postpartum session to explore ways to best prepare for and thrive in) the weeks immediately after birth (ie. postpartum period). 

thriving in postpartum includes:


booking a consult is quick and easy.

Session Scheduling

1 hour virtual sessions are available for $200. Sessions are scheduled based on your availability. A calendar invitation with zoom details will be emailed and a
reminder set.

let's get started!

booking A virtual consult is quick and easy.

Session Scheduling

1 hour virtual sessions are available for $200
Simply choose a time and make your payment.
A confirmation and calendar invitation with zoom details will be emailed and a reminder set.


let's get started!





