Let's Work  Together

Parenting support

My due date is fast approaching and I'm terrified that I won't know what to do.

have you had these thoughts?

If you have... know that you're not alone. I can help you navigate the motherhood journey!

I have no idea what labor and birth will be like.

Being a new mom seems like a lot of work. I don't know how I'll manage it all.

Breastfeeding seems hard... will I really be able to do this?

I want to know more!

Being a new mom seems like a lot of work. I don't know how I'll manage it all.

Breastfeeding seems hard... will I really be able to do this?

birth worker Coaching

I really want to help moms but is being a Doula, Childbirth Educator, or Lactation Educator a good fit for me?

have you had these thoughts?

If you have... know that you're not alone. I've been there and glad to share tools for your journey!  

I'm trained and excited to work with clients but not sure what to do next. 

I want to be as prepared as possible to give my child everything they need mentally, emotionally and physically.

I want to be as prepared as possible to give my child everything they need mentally, emotionally and physically.

I want to know more!

Being a birth worker is amazing but I'm feeling stuck with my business. 

consulting & speaking

Serve/support Black moms through pregnancy or while adjusting to parenting?

does your organization...

  If so... you need the expertise, lived experience, and voice of a Black mother to inform your work. I'm glad to help!

Plan to launch a program/ research study that impacts/serves Black parents?

I want to be as prepared as possible to give my child everything they need mentally, emotionally and physically.

I want to be as prepared as possible to give my child everything they need mentally, emotionally and physically.

I want to know more!

See a need to learn more and respond to the growing Black maternal health crisis?

birth worker Coaching


If You Have... Know That You're Not Alone. I've Been There And Glad To Share Tools For Your Journey!  

I really want to help moms but is being a Doula, Childbirth Educator, or Lactation Educator a good fit for me?

I'm trained and excited to work with clients but not sure what to do next. 

Being a birth worker is amazing but I'm feeling stuck with my business. 

i need to know more!

Consulting & speaking

does your organization...

Serve/support Black moms through pregnancy or while adjusting to parenting?

Plan to launch a program/research study that impacts/serves Black parents?

See a need to learn more about and respond to the growing Black maternal health crisis?

 If so... you need the expertise, lived experience, and voice of a Black mother to inform your work. I'm glad to help!

learn more!

- Kenya, Lactation Client

"I recommend Porsche because she is caring, compassionate and thorough. She gives advice and goes above and beyond to make you feel prepared as a mother (especially as a first time mom like myself). She will follow up with you making sure you understand, feel heard and questions have been answered." 

- Lemon Life Birthing Services, Coaching Client

 "I highly recommend Porsche! As an experienced Doula myself, I found a wealth of knowledge and support from her. highly recommend her mentoring services! She has already helped me make some headway in my business." 

-Dr. Leslie Farrington, Consulting Client

"Working with Porsche is truly a joy! She talked me through preliminary ideas for my business, provided plenty of professional resources, and helped connect me to other birth workers. Porsche also helped me set specific goals that I’ve used to keep myself accountable as I continue to build my business...

"Porsche Holland-Otunba has supported the work of the Black Coalition for Safe Motherhood (BCFSM) in stellar fashion for 3 years and currently serves in our ACTT Facilitator Training Program as Senior Instructor. We owe much of our success to Porsche's wisdom and expertise in perinatal health advocacy and education. As a retired Obstetrician and director of BCFSM, I have been blessed to have been guided by Porsche in establishing and promoting our Training program."

finish reading...

-The Emerald Doula, Mentoring Client

Even outside of our designated meetings she sends resources and continues to be a source of genuine support and encouragement. I’m so thankful I’ve connected with Porsche & would definitely recommend other birth workers to connect with her!"

"Working with Porsche is truly a joy! She talked me through preliminary ideas for my business, provided plenty of professional resources, and helped connect me to other birth workers. Porsche also helped me set specific goals that I’ve used to keep myself accountable as I continue to build my business. Even outside of our designated meetings she sends resources and continues to be a source of genuine support and encouragement. I’m so thankful I’ve connected with Porsche & would definitely recommend other birth workers to connect with her!"

-The Emerald Doula, Coaching Client

Porsche is truly a godsend! I decided I wanted a Doula late in pregnancy and a week later I met Porsche randomly because her daughter's cuteness caught my attention. I loved her energy so once I found out she was a Doula I knew I wanted to hire her. Porsche was so resourceful and helped me to really...

"Working with Porsche is truly a joy! She talked me through preliminary ideas for my business, provided plenty of professional resources, and helped connect me to other birth workers. Porsche also helped me set specific goals that I’ve used to keep myself accountable as I continue to build my business. Even outside of our designated meetings she sends resources and continues to be a source of genuine support and encouragement. I’m so thankful I’ve connected with Porsche & would definitely recommend other birth workers to connect with her!"

continue reading...

-The Emerald Doula, Mentoring Client

prepared for the logistics of labor and delivery. What I loved most was that she was a huge advocate for me being in control of my experience before and during delivery. SHe helped me create and refine my birth plan, helped me understand the different types of medical induction, and even how my husband and I would help with...

"Working with Porsche is truly a joy! She talked me through preliminary ideas for my business, provided plenty of professional resources, and helped connect me to other birth workers. Porsche also helped me set specific goals that I’ve used to keep myself accountable as I continue to build my business. Even outside of our designated meetings she sends resources and continues to be a source of genuine support and encouragement. I’m so thankful I’ve connected with Porsche & would definitely recommend other birth workers to connect with her!"

finish reading...

-The Emerald Doula, Mentoring Client

...induction. Having Porsche really helped to ease my anxiety about all the decisions I needed to make. I chose to do Hypnobirthing and my labor went so smooth because I knew Porsche would voice my wishes. She also helped my husband and mother feel comfortable and supported throughout the labor as well."

"Working with Porsche is truly a joy! She talked me through preliminary ideas for my business, provided plenty of professional resources, and helped connect me to other birth workers. Porsche also helped me set specific goals that I’ve used to keep myself accountable as I continue to build my business. Even outside of our designated meetings she sends resources and continues to be a source of genuine support and encouragement. I’m so thankful I’ve connected with Porsche & would definitely recommend other birth workers to connect with her!"

-Inez, Postpartum Support Reflection

After my baby girl arrived Porsche was there to help me overcome the struggles of breastfeeding and being a new mommy. I valued being able to send her a text and knew she would be there to hold my hand. My daughter is almost two and Porsche still checks on us!
She has become more than my Doula, she is really my sister-friend. I am now looking for a nanny and one of my biggest requirements is that I love her just as much as I love Porsche. 

love notes from our clients





